layout 1

test title

welcome to test layout over the next few weeks this will change constantly, well hopefully


wonderous amazement

ever often thought the seriousness of ones actions, in turn effecting more than the one you just encountered. Imagin you call some a name just cause, as an effect, probability dictates that 1. the person lets it roll off their shoulders 2. takes the insult to heart and now the gears of catastrophe are in motion. Who knows what this person might say or do bassed on the fact that their emotional turning what you said over in their minds…..just for thought.

internet still down

Sorry nets still down at home and been busy shooting etc..

Spearfishing pictures

Spearfishing was a blast, and there will be images coming soon!

cant wait forĀ  that stripper!!

Working out the kinks

Just working out the kinks with this powerful tool! Looks like this may help me in a quest to easily create effective web pages with less code work than really necessary, we shall see.